DONATE and SUPPORT for 🏳🌈 LGBT-education training programs to service providers in Hong Kong 女角平權協作組確實需要大家既支持,我地參與咗GlobalGiving Accelerator 活動,透過國際性捐款渠道,由$10到$500美金,都可以支持我地未來2年為200個服務人員提供認識同志需要的訓練! ➡請Click 入捐款: 過去2年女角為超過30位前線服務人員提供訓練,到宜家,我地仍然會聽到:「真係有雙性戀既人?」「個女仔俾女仔家暴過,係唔係唔會再鍾意女仔架?」可見前線服務人員對LGBT仍然充滿誤解,我地希望未來提供做更多培訓俾前線服務人員,認識同志真正需要。 女角平權協作組自成立以來,以公眾教育為核心,推出實體及網上版「書入認識性小眾」”免費電子書: “,期望讓大眾對性小眾多了解及釋除誤解,以達致多元平等。另一方面,我地亦努力將女女家暴資訊宣傳到圈子內外 ”「女女家暴營救手冊」懶人包: “ ,期望少一宗家暴,便可以少一個受害者! 未來2年,我地希望將服務帶到女性健康及歧視問題上,多一分捐款,相信我地更可以多做一點!立即捐款支持我地!! We (Les Corner Empowerment Association) are now participating in the GlobalGiving Accelerator event, an international crowdfunding channel . Whether it is USD$10 or USD$500, your donation will help to support promoting LGBT equality through our LGBT-education training to 200 service providers in the coming 2 years! ➡CLICK to make a donation: For the past 2 years, we have been providing training to 30 front-line workers, yet, its not enough. There are still many misunderstandings and misconceptions about LGBT which cause people in our community to hide themselves from the society and endure their struggles themselves, resulting in physical and mental problems. We hope to provide training to MORE service providers to understand the queer community better. Ever since our establishment in 2015, public education is our core aim to enable the public to know the LGBT community better. We have published a LGBT-pedia both in paper and online (for free electronic book version:; we have also made huge effort in promoting awareness on domestic violence among lesbian couples (Lesbian couple anti-domestic violence ). We hope to expand our services on womans' health and discrimination! Every penny of your donation will be an immense support to us. Thank you!
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